Q: If my project has integrated with Crasheye, do I need to create another app for the same project to integrate with uBox?

A: No. The Appkey, which is the unique ID of an application, can be used in both Crasheye and uBox. You can use the Appkey you used in Crasheye to integrate with uBox.

Q: It shows "Uploading Finished" after I finish the test, but I can’t find the matching report in admin panel. What’s wrong?

A: It might be caused by using uBoxInterface.StopRecordAndUpload() when application exits. Please attach it to button click instead.

Q: Is it ok that there are two Androidmanifest.xml in one project? One is in Assets/plugin/Android/ and it’s from the SDK demo file, while the other is in Temp/StagingArea from the project itself.

A: Yes, it is ok. Temp/StagingArea is a temporary directory. It will only be read if the project can’t find Androidmanifest.xml from Assets/plugin/Android/ when the app starts.